Electronic Case Management System

This database contains private and confidential information. Access to this information is subject to State and Federal privacy legislation. Only authorised persons should access this database.

You should not give your username and password to any other person. Please keep your password secret. All access to this application is logged and is subject to regular audits.

About ECMS

The Electronic Case Management System (ECMS) is Anglicare Victoria’s client management system developed in partnership with Infoxchange.

ECMS improves the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery by helping AV manage information and activities regarding individuals and families.

ECMS Logins

Remember, your ECMS login is your Anglicare Email Address (e.g. [email protected]) and your standard Anglicare password.

Need help using ECMS?

If you experience any problems with this application please email [email protected]

Online Help is available which provides documentation on the standard ECMS system (also known as SRS). The online help also has a Frequently Asked Questions page.